If you’re a leader that is constantly putting together all of the pieces to a marketing puzzle, chances are one of your mantra’s or beliefs in life is to never...
Originally developed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, promoted by Stephen Covey’s top-selling book 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, and echoed in Dave Ramsey’s book Entreleadership, are four areas on...
If you’re looking to be more productive then it’s helpful to understand exactly how multitasking affects your brain. According to a recent infographic by OnlineUniversities.com, your brain “wasn’t designed to...
All marketers, or entrepreneurs for that matter, obtain unique experiences and perspectives that drive them forward in their careers. Some focus on performance, others leadership, others networking, or an infinite...
As a young leader I’ve been observing how others treat their peers and subordinates. In fact, before I was a leader I was already identifying how I would and would...
Originally posted by Go-Golf.com, a Dubai Web Design and Web Application Development Company. The entire post was valuable so it has been shared in full below. Thanks Go-Golf.com! Did you...
After reading Forbe’s article today titled 10 Startups Changing the World And What We Can Learn From Them, I started exploring their #9 startup called DocStoc.com. This site offers documents...
One of the most misleading but commonly held beliefs is being “busy” means that you’re being productive and accomplishing a lot. The problem is that the busy work for most...
At any given time, you can choose from an infinite amount of ways to spend your time and marketing dollars. Marketers, and people in general, get caught up in always...
Leaders (and our definition of a Puzzle Marketer) have the ability and the marketing know-how to put all of the pieces together and solve any objective. You have many choices...